Friday, August 31, 2012

Like you need another reason to love Adam Savage

I forgot how much I love reading Wired. The only problem I have with Wired is that I love reading the physical copy (yes, the paper version sold on shelves in stores), there's just something about the matte pages and staring at how well-designed each page is; but greedy ol' me also wants to keep copies of it. Having dealt with several moves, some of which involved going across the Pacific Ocean several times, I've learnt several lessons the hard way: (a) Magazines don't keep well (they slouch on shelves so they get all dog-eared) and (b) Two year's subscription of Wired, National Geographic, Real Simple and Creating Keepsakes takes up a helluva space and weighs a ton. Paying international shipping for them is no fun. So darn it, I may be "forced" (fine, "coerced") into paying for the magazine + iPad subscription at $19.99. The magazine-only subscription is $14.99, which I guess isn't all that bad.

Now that I've got that completely random rant out of the way -- if you need more reasons to love Adam Savage of Mythbusters, check out this month's issue of Wired, as Adam talks about his toolbox (think Mary Poppin's carpet bag but made of metal and waaaaaaaaay cooler) and his organizing concept of "first order retrievability." The only thing that will potentially make Adam's toolbox cooler is to find Dr Who's sonic screwdriver in there. A fangirl can hope. If you're wondering if the toolbox on steroids photo above is by Adam, yup, it is! Adam's fully customized toolbox is built in such a way that no tool had to be moved out of the way for him to get another tool. Awesomness. Drool.

As a self-confessed organizational freak (I love my lists and putting things into containers, then stacking them on neatly on top of each other!), I'm totally with Adam on his concept of "first order retrievability" -- basically, it's a way of organizing that allows you to find anything in the fastest, most efficient way possible. And you know what? "First order retriveability" works not just when it comes to organizing tools, kitchen drawers, scrapbooking chests but also when it comes to writing. In my day, I've had to write, review and revise enough press releases and fact sheets to last a lifetime and I still do. Nothing annoys me more than having to get a search party going to find the freakin' key message (the subject matter or main topic for the non-PR folks). If you can't say what you need to say in your headline, subheadline and first paragraph -- rewrite it. I've had the privilege of having the basics of writing drilled into me in college, in classes and at work and I'm forever grateful. So the next time you see a mess, pause and think: WWASD? And noooo, the answer isn't "let's blow it up!" First order retrievability, folks.

Read the Wired article here: Inside Adam Savage's Toolbox

More on Adam's toys here:



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