Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Snore snore

I am so sleepy, so very, very sleepy. And it's not like I went to bed late last night, I slept at 1 a.m. and woke up at 8 a.m., so that's seven hours of sleep. I'm not combating post-lunch drowsiness either, although hot chocolate and a 6-inch Subway sandwich probably doesn't help. Absolutely makes so sense. I'm sleepy sleepy -- my eyes can barely stay open. There is an extremely high chance of me slumping over the keyboard. You know you're getting old when you need this much sleep. ZZzzzz.....



Blogger YU JIAN said...

Can you and also i'mnotawriter gimme your secrets of sleep? I think I've lost mine.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Audrey Tang said...

Haha...Jian, go check out my comments on your insomniac blog.

Floe, apparently it's coz we're lazy bums who don't exercise enough. Haha..was checking out lethargy and lack of energy on WebMD and they recommend exercising and diet with less sugar and caffeine. I'm like, yeah right, like I'm gonna give up precious sleep-in time during the weekends to go to the gym and going cold turkey on coffee and chocolates. Heh. I guess all beauties need their beauty sleep. *wink*

10:39 PM  

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