The Oscar Goes To...
Can't believe Best Picture went to No Country for Old Men - then again, I almost NEVER agree with the Academy's Decision for Best Picture and Best Director, and this year, it's no different. On the bright side, at least three deserving people received awards - Best Writing to Juno (completely witty script, a must-see! My favorite out of all the Oscar nominees for Best Picture), Best Supporting Actor to Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men (the only saving grace in the movie if you ask me, besides the really cool high pressure weapon) and of course, my personal favorite, Best Actor in a Leading Role to Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood.
And in true un-Oscar fashion, check out this absolutely hilarious video response from Jimmy Kimmel (yes - for once he actually made something funny, not very original but still pretty darn hilarious. Erm, safe for work if you're on headphones - otherwise, don't think any of your colleagues want to hear Jimmy Kimmel go "I'm fucking Ben Affleck!"See how many recognizable faces you can name!
Labels: The Film Snob, The Queen of Random